C++ Regex Cheat Sheet



  • ^
  • Start of string, or start of line in multi-line pattern
  • A
  • Start of string
  • $
  • End of string, or end of line in multi-line pattern
  • Z
  • End of string
  • b
  • Word boundary
  • B
  • Not word boundary
  • <
  • Start of word
  • >
  • End of word

Regex Cheat Sheet CHARACTER CLASSES abcMatches PATTERN a or b, or c. ^abc Negation, matches everything except a, b, or c. a-cRange, matches a or b, or c. a-cf-h Union, matches a, b, c, f, g, h. a-c&&b-c Intersection, matches b or c. a-c&&^b-c Subtraction, matches a. USEFUL JAVA CLASSES & METHODS. Regex Cheat Sheet by Hff - Cheatography.com Created Date: 3418Z. Regular Expressions Tutorial. Comprehensive resource covering basic to advanced uses of regex. Includes regex cheat sheet, tools, books and tricks. Regex Cheat Sheet # javascript. Emma Bostian Feb 19, 2019 ・Updated on Feb 21, 2019 ・4 min read. A regular expression, or 'regex', is used to match parts of a. C# Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet 19 May 2007 20:36 C#. Cheat sheet for C# regular expressions metacharacters, operators, quantifiers etc Character.



  • *
  • 0 or more
  • +
  • 1 or more
  • ?
  • 0 or 1
  • {3}
  • Exactly 3
  • {3,}
  • 3 or more
  • {3,5}
  • 3, 4 or 5
  • {,5}
  • 5 or less


Character Classes

  • c
  • Control character
  • s
  • White space
  • S
  • Not white space
  • d
  • Digit
  • D
  • Not digit
  • w
  • Word
  • W
  • Not word
  • x
  • Hexade-cimal digit
  • O
  • Octal digit

Regular Expression Chart


  • n
  • New line
  • r
  • Carriage return
  • t
  • Tab
  • v
  • Vertical tab
  • f
  • Form feed
  • xxx
  • Octal character xxx
  • xhh
  • Hex character hh



  • ^abc
  • abc, abcdefg, abc123, ...
  • abc$
  • abc, endsinabc, 123abc, ...
  • a.c
  • abc, aac, acc, adc, aec, ...
  • bill|ted
  • ted, bill
  • ab{2}c
  • abbc
  • a[bB]c
  • abc, aBc
  • (abc){2}
  • abcabc
  • ab*c
  • ac, abc, abbc, abbbc, ...
  • ab+c
  • abc, abbc, abbbc, ...
  • ab?c
  • ac, abc
  • asc
  • a c


  • ([A-Za-z0-9-]+)
  • Letters, numbers and hyphens
  • (d{1,2}/d{1,2}/d{4})
  • Date (e.g. 21/3/2006)
  • ([^s]+(?=.(jpg|gif|png)).2)
  • jpg, gif or png image
  • (^[1-9]{1}$|^[1-4]{1}[0-9]{1}$|^50$)
  • Any number from 1 to 50 inclusive
  • (#?([A-Fa-f0-9]){3}(([A-Fa-f0-9]){3})?)
  • Valid hexadecimal colour code
  • ((?=.*d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,15})
  • 8 to 15 character string with at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, and one digit (useful for passwords).
  • (w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})
  • Email addresses
  • (<(/?[^>]+)>)
  • HTML Tag



  • [:upper:]
  • Upper case letters
  • [:lower:]
  • Lower case letters
  • [:alpha:]
  • All letters
  • [:alnum:]
  • Digits and letters
  • [:digit:]
  • Digits
  • [:xdigit:]
  • Hexade-cimal digits
  • [:punct:]
  • Punctu-ation
  • [:blank:]
  • Space and tab
  • [:space:]
  • Blank characters
  • [:cntrl:]
  • Control characters
  • [:graph:]
  • Printed characters
  • [:print:]
  • Printed characters and spaces
  • [:word:]
  • Digits, letters and underscore


Groups and Ranges

  • .
  • Any character except new line (n)
  • (a|b)
  • a or b
  • (...)
  • Group
  • (?:...)
  • Passive (non-c-apt-uring) group
  • [abc]
  • Range (a or b or c)
  • [^abc]
  • Not a or b or c
  • [a-q]
  • Letter from a to q
  • [A-Q]
  • Upper case letter from A to Q
  • [0-7]
  • Digit from 0 to 7
  • n
  • nth group/-sub-pattern



  • g
  • Global match
  • i
  • Case-i-nse-nsitive
  • m
  • Multiple lines
  • s
  • Treat string as single line
  • x
  • Allow comments and white space in pattern
  • e
  • Evaluate replac-ement
  • U
  • Ungreedy pattern

C++ Regex Cheat Sheet

C++ regex cheat sheet example



C++ Regular Expression Example

  • $n
  • nth non-pa-ssive group
  • $2
  • '-xyz-' in /^(abc-(xy-z))$/
  • $1
  • '-xyz-' in /^(?:a-bc)-(xyz)$/
  • $`
  • Before matched string
  • $'
  • After matched string
  • $+
  • Last matched string
  • $&
  • Entire matched string

C++ Regex Cheat Sheet Download


C++ Regex Cheat Sheet Example


  • ?=
  • Lookahead assertion
  • ?!
  • Negative lookahead
  • ?<=
  • Lookbehind assertion
  • ?!= or ?<!
  • Negative lookbehind
  • ?>
  • Once-only Subexp-ression
  • ?()
  • Condition [if then]
  • ?()|
  • Condition [if then else]
  • ?#
  • Comment