Atomic Number 6

The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its atomic mass is 12. How many protons are there in the nucleus of carbon?

(A) 06 protons
(B) 12 protons
(C) 18 protons
(D) Zero protons

Atomic Number 6
Question Asked : SSC Combined Graduate Level Prelim Exam 2002

Definition of atomic number 6 in the dictionary. Meaning of atomic number 6. What does atomic number 6 mean? Information and translations of atomic number 6 in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The atomic number of an element tells us how many electrons there are in the atoms. For example, the atomic number of carbon is 6 giving us six electrons as 2,4.

Explanation : There are six (6) protons equal to atomic number in Carbon-12. The 12 refers to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons i.e. mass number. ..Read more
Useful Quotations for : UPSC, State PSC, IBPS, SSC, Railway, NDA, Police Exams
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The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its atomic mass is 12. How many protons are there in the nucleus of carbon?

Hire a bar for a party. (A) 06 protons
(B) 12 protons
(C) 18 protons
(D) Zero protons

Question Asked : SSC Combined Graduate Level Prelim Exam 2002
Explanation : There are six (6) protons equal to atomic number in Carbon-12. The 12 refers to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons i.e. mass number. ..Read more
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Atomic Number 6 Element

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