Html In Visual Studio Code

An extension to preview HTML files while editing them in VSCode. The extension can be activated in two ways. Toggle Preview - ctrl+shift+v or cmd+shift+v; Open Preview to the Side - ctrl+k v or cmd+k v. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows. Download Visual Studio Code to experience a redefined code editor, optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.

Visual Studio Code HTML Snippets


This extension adds rich language support for the HTML Markup to VS Code, including:

  • Full HTML5 Tags
  • Colorization
  • Snippets
  • [partially implemented] Quick Info
  • description mentions if tag deprecated

Update 5

  • Disabling this extension as its functionality has been absorbed by VS Code main html extension.

Update 4

  • Removed all languages, only HTML Remains.
  • Added FAQ in end of page.

Update 3

  • added php, js, and jsreact as languages where the snippets work by default.

Update 2

  • fixed a bug with line cursor on vscode 1.5.1

Update 1

  • removed deprecated tags [acronym, applet, basefont, center, dir, font, frame, frameset, noframes, strike, tt]
  • fixed LI tag issue, you couldn't add new line in the tags


  • [on-going]Improve syntax layout.
  • [on-going]Add support for Tab to end of line.
  • [on-going]Populate Tags with properties.

Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.

Snippets named as the tag without braces

  1. Install Visual Studio Code 0.10.1 or higher
  2. Launch Code
  3. From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Type HTML-Snippets
  6. Choose the extension
  7. Reload Visual Studio Code

How to enable the snippets on a file other than html?

Add the following code to the project settings.json or global settings.json :

the above code will allow html snippet to work on .ejs and .js files, amend to fit your needs.

Please Read this answer.Make extension work in languages other than HTML

How can I report an issue?

The easiest way is to start a git issue, I will attempt to answer ASAP else I hope someone else will answer.

If you find any issue or have a suggestion please tweet me on @m_abusaid

I am unable to respond to comments on the store page, please use appropriate channels github/twitter to reach me. Thank you


MIT License, refer to license file.

** Enjoy!**

9th Feb 2018

Hey, it’s Zell. Welcome back to Part 2 of the VS code setup series.

If you haven’t watched the 1st part yet, I suggest you go watch it first, because everything we’re going to do today follows from there. Everything follows from there.

Start Html In Visual Studio Code

What we’re going to do in this video is to setup VS code to write HTML, CSS and JavaScript properly. Let’s work on HTML first.

Format On Save


The first I like to do is add editor.formatOnSave to your settings file. With this option turned on, VS Code will format or (beautify) your code when you save the file. It’s very very useful for maintaining good quality code.

HTML Settings

VS Code has a weird way of splitting lines by the number of characters. If you have a long paragraph of text in your HTML and if you hit save, you may notice that long paragraph gets split into two lines of code. It’s pretty weird because you want to use HTML tags to split them properly.

What I’ll do is set the wrapLineLength property to 0. This prevents VS Code from acting in the weird manner. While I’m at the HTTML part, I also set suggestions for angular1 and ionic to false since I don’t use them.

That’s it for the settings file.

Create html in visual studio code

Run Html In Visual Studio Code

HTML Extensions

VS Code has pretty code HTML Extensions. I use the following extensions:

  1. Auto close tag
  2. Auto rename tag
  3. intellisense for CSS Names

Auto close tag helps you close HTML tags automatically. You can write lesser keystrokes, which is always a win.

Auto rename tag helps you rename the closing tag when you change the opening tag. This is a lifesaver because I always forget to rename the closing tag whenever I change an opening tag.

Intellisense for classnames gives you auto class completions, which when you’re writing classes. It doesn’t always work, but when it works, it’s useful. I have no idea why it works or why it doesn’t sometime. This is a bonus for me.

That’s it for HTML. Let’s move on to CSS.


Html In Visual Studio Code

For CSS, I install the following extensions.

  1. Sass
  2. Prettier
  3. Stylelint
  4. CSS Peek

Sass gives you syntax highlighting for Sass files (both .sass and .scss). I use Sass whenever I write CSS, so this is a no-brainer.

Prettier is the best CSS formatter I’ve seen to date. When you install prettier, you can hit save and your CSS or Sass files will be formatted properly. You can even add stylelint integrations which is useful if you’re more advanced on the config part of things.

Stylelint is a CSS Linter. A Linter is a tool that checks your file for consistent formatting. It also tells you when there is an error, so you don’t make silly typo mistakes.

CSS Peek gives you the ability to search for CSS Selectors in a file. It helps when you have a long CSS file.

Settings-wise, I set prettier.stylelintIntegration and and stylelint.enable to true. That’s all. If you don’t use stylelint, there’s nothing for you to configure.


For JavaScript, I install the following extensions.

  1. JavaScript standard style
  2. JavaScript standardjs styled snippets
  3. Sublime Babel
  4. npm intellisense

JavaScript standard style

JavaScript Standard Style is a linter that follows the JavaScript standard format. It’s a popular format made by a guy called @feross. It contains a linter plus a formatter. But making the formatter work is kinda tricky.

To make the formatter work with VSCode, you need disable the default formatter built into VS Code. To do so, you set javascript.validate.enable to false.

To make JavaScript Standard Style work with Prettier, you also need to disable the default formatter built into VSCode. You can do by adding “javascript” to prettier.disableLanguages. I also add javascriptreact and json to the array of disabled languages.

Then, you’ll need to turn on JavaScript Standard Style’s formatter with standard.autoFixOnSave and standard.validate.

JavaScript standardjs styled snippets gives you some snippets that can help you increase your coding speed. For example, you if type cl followed by tab, you’ll get console.log. You can find a list of snippet extension keywords in the snippet itself.

Sublime Babel gives you better syntax highlighting for JavaScript files when you use newer JavaScript syntax through Babel. That is pretty self explanatory so I’m not going to say anymore.

npm intellisense is good when you use npm modules in your code. It helps you autocomplete node modules, which is awesome.

Wrapping up

This is how I configure VS Code for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

I hope this video has been helpful for you. In the next video, I show you some useful extensions I use to improve the overall VS Code experience.

Html In Visual Studio Code

Html In Visual Studio Code

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